In earlier entry, I have talked about Jangan Belakang Congkak. The poster is as shown above. I willing to give this movie a chance after watching I'm Not Single, another movie from David Teo's team. It was a kamikaze last time when my friends & I decided to buy the tickets for I'm Not Single and it went well amazingly.This is how the movie starts. Pak Pie is going to die, but his hantu-hantu don't want to release him. They want a new owner/leader. Azlee plays his role very well, and it is obvious that the script writer has worked a lot to make the scripts don't sound very stereotype and cheap.
The three (3) stooges. Huauauahuha...without them the movie will surely turns dull. I did not know that Sam was very funny. All along I just watch him acting as a stubborn kid, kurang ajar son, and wild type of character. They are bloody funny.
Here comes the ghost! They looked at the behind of the congkak, and the spell have cursed them. When the moon comes out every 12 midnight, they will automatically changed to hantu raya (it chases for chickens, eggs), orang minyak (rape the women) & toyol (who steals the money). The dialogues, the inner and outer monologs, are hilarious. For those who have not watched it, go and watch. You won't regret. If not, buy the VCD or DVD. Make sure it's original. *Grin*
I suppose this is one funny film since Lan Pet Pet is one of the main actors..