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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Selamat Ulang Tahun

Syiok betul tengok gamba makanan ni...Ni kat Chili's on May 4th last week..Well..looks like I have eaten a lot during the first and second week of month. Birthdays everywhere!

My mistake I know, for taking shots only after the meal finished. Yela...when the food arrived, all I was thinking adalah...MAKAN!!! Tak fikir benda lain langsung. =p

Some of the food at Chili's..memang sedap..and expensive. If go once in a month, should be OK. Tak larat den do nak poie tiap-tiap minggu. Poket basah terus kering..bukan kering je..kontang!

Time to choose. Too many good food, difficult to decide. Felt like wanting all. Hehe...and my favourite? Always the Monterey Chicken and Canjun Sandwich..hidup cik Ayam!!

This is...? my King..the birthday boy..Selamat Ulangtahun Sayangggg (sila menyanyi macam Imran Ajmain yer)...It is the 5th years we celebrating your birthday...I can go for 100 years more.. :-) Sayang kamu...!


  1. Yummy n double yummy !! The food in the menu all looks temptin to me lah..

    Wanna go there someday too but i dunno when..cuz u know me-lah..hahaha

    Cheers..n Happy Birthday to your King once again.

  2. Tenkiuuu...I will let him know - Ah Ai

  3. mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!! bila nak belanja chilli's lg??????????? hmmm lapar.... nak choclate cake chilli's....... sedap....................
